Koushik Banerjea used to peddle vintage jeans and theory. The jeans on London market stalls, the theory at the London School of Economics. Now he makes do with fiction. His short stories have appeared in Minor Literatures, Writers Resist and Verbal. His debut novel Another Kind Of Concrete was published in 2020. Category Unknown, published by London Books, is his second. He deejayed as one half of The Shirley Crabtree Experience, survived the Hatfield train crash and once had dinner with legendary vibes-man Roy Ayers. He is currently working on a short story collection and a number of original essays, developed during lockdown. There is also a third novel in the pipeline.
Ever find yourself rolling your eyes when you hear that phrase ‘back in the day’? As often as not uttered by some grisled cynic bemoaning the loss of an older…